Civics notes - KIVUTIO


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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Civics notes

Form 1
Our nation

Components of ournation
Civics - Is the subject which deals with the study of duties, rights and responsibilities of citizens in a country

Nation - A large group or community of people living together in a defined geographical area
Nationalism - Is the political will of a nation to unite and fight against foreign rule with the intention of ruling themselves

National Language - Is the language which has been chosen and accepted to be used in national matters
Language - Is a learned, shared and arbitrary system of vocal or written symbols through which human beings communicate with one another

Components of a nation
- Government
- people
- territory

Symbols of national sovereignty 

- National flag
- coat of arms

- currency-

Factors affecting national sovereignty
 - Pressure groups
- civil wars
- poverty

Importance of the National Flag to Tanzania
 - Symbol of the nation
- shows national independence and sovereignty
- a seal of the president and government,
- state symbol for the president/country/citizens,
- symbol of unity and freedom , 
- symbol of nationality and Tanzanian culture, 
- used during unfortunate events like the death of a state leader

Factors promoting national integrity in Tanzania 
- Secularism, 
-Arusha declaration, 

Benefits of being identified as a citizen of a country
 - Helps people in the provision of social services,
- legal way of being recognized as a real citizen,
- given rights under the law, 
-you are able to be employed in the country,
- nation can defend you from violence or war

Promotion of national unity is enhanced by 
- Sports/games,
- traditions, 
-national language, 

The union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar was influenced by their desires for security

The national symbols
National Symbols - These are things which identify the country as independent and sovereign
Examples of national symbols - National flag, coat of arms, national currency, national constitution, national anthem

Tanzanian flag colors represent - Black - skin, yellow - minerals, blue - water, green - vegetation The seal of the government is the coat of arms
Coat of arms and national emblem are the same

Promotion of life skills
Meaning and types
Life Skills - Is the mental knowledge and ability applied by an individual to control themselves and their environment in a beneficial way

List of life skills 
- Self esteem, 
- problem solving,
- self awareness, 
- meditation, 
-arguing well, 
-decision making,
- planning, 
-good relationships

Sources of life skills
 - Parents, 

Communication - Is the process which involves the transferring of information from one person to another

Creative Thinking - The ability to find new ways to solve problems

Decision Making - The ability to select a course of action among possible alternatives

Self-confidence - Having confidence in ones own capability to succeed in their actions

Skimming for Reading - The process of reading quickly to get the main point of the paragraph or article

Team - Comprises of a group of people linked in a common purpose

Teamwork - The situation whereby people work well together while doing a particular activity

Group - A number of people having some relation to one another

Six classes of drugs - Opiates, sedative-hypnotics, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabis, inhalants

Problems of drug use
 - addiction/dependence, 
-acute health problems, 
-dropping out of school, 
-reduces country’s workforce,
- family conflict, 
-crime/illegal business, 
-irresponsible sexual behavior

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
 - A syndrome that develops after a person has been infected with the HIV virus caused by the virus attacking and weakening the human immune system which has no known cure
Symptoms of HIV - Frequent diarrhea, high fever, vomiting, skin diseases, body weakness

HIV can be prevented through the following ways - Being faithful, practicing safe sex, using a condom correctly every time, using sterilized needles, using clean blood for blood transfusions

Human rights
Aspects of human rights

Human Rights - Are basic moral rights that all human beings are born with, they are not granted or given or removed by anybody

Examples of human rights 
- Right to life, 
-right to own property,
- right to vote and be voted for, 
-freedom of expression and association, 
-freedom of worship,
- right to education, 
-right to social services, 
-freedom of movement

Abuse of Power
 - Violation of the law or constitution of the country

Amnesty International - UN’s agency for human rights Freedoms
 - Of association, of assembly, 
-of expression Basic needs of any human - Food, shelter, clothes

Moral Rights 
- Are rights which are not included officially in the law of the country and one can not claim them in the court of law

Moral, social, and cultural rights
 - Are rights which are not included officially in the law of the country and one cannot claim them in a court of law

Pan Africanism - Brought human rights/freedoms/equality/democracy to Africa

Importance of Human rights
  1.  Helps to bring equality, avoid discrimination and oppression, 
  2. helps in the provision of social services, 
  3. helps in the provision of employment, 
  4. improves standard of living in the country,
  5.  brings more freedom to the citizens
Steps taken by the government of Tanzania in promoting human rights in the country 
  1. Establishment of NGOs, 
  2. establishment of a human rights commission, 
  3. mass education on the importance of promoting and preserving human rights,
  4.  punishing those who violate human rights, 
  5. promoting and maintaining defense and security
Example of economic rights - To own property

Tanzanian institutions responsible for promoting or protecting human rights 
  • TAMWA,
  •  TAWLA,
  •  TGNP,
  •  Haki Elimu, 
  • Judiciary, 
  • Tanzania Society of the Lawyers,
  •  TUCTA
Reproductive right is a legal right, whereas the right to life is a constitutional right

Limitations of individual human rights
  • Arson - Unlawful setting of fire of structures or buildings
  • Bail - The release by the police or court of a person held in legal custody while awaiting trial or appealing against criminal conviction
  • Defendant - A person against whom court proceedings are brought
  • Laws - Are formulations of rule of behavior enforced by a special authority
  • Plaintiff - A person applying for relief against another person in an action suit, petition
  • Prosecutor - A person who brings a case to court
  • Rape - Unlawful sexual act by a man without a woman’s consent
  • Rule of Law - Laws should be enforced equally, fairly and consistently to all
Causes of crime in Tanzania 
  •  Poverty, 
  • lack of education,
  •  growing population,
  •  ineffective police protection,
  •  little chance of being caught or punished
Why there are higher crime rates in cities
  •  Overpopulation, 
  • higher unemployment, 
  • poverty,
  •  weakening of moral values
Ways to reduce crime in the country
  •   Create employment opportunities, 
  • improve & strengthen police protection,
  •  provision of effective punishments to criminals,
  •  provision of proper education
The punishment for manslaughter is life imprisonment

Human rights abuse
Human Rights Abuse - Are all actions which when practiced by people or governments which violate human rights (ex. beating women, raping, killing old people, forced marriage)

Responsible citizenship
Concept of citizenship
Citizen - A person who is accepted and belongs to the a particular country
Citizenship - A condition or state of being a citizen of a particular country

Citizenship responsibilities

Responsibilities of a good citizen 
  •  Duty to respect other peoples rights, 
  • duty to watch & give opinions on government process/activities, 
  • voting, 
  • paying taxes, 
  • working, 
  • participating in community activities
Ways of acquiring citizenship in Tanzania 
  •  Birth,
  •  by descent,
  •  by registration

Responsibilities to special groups including HIV/AIDSvictims
Responsibilities to HIV/AIDS victims
  1.  Not to isolate them (stigmatization),
  2.  advise them to attend treatment at medical centers,
  3.  to advise them to attend counseling and guidance,
  4.  to provide them with a balanced diet

The concept of work
Work - Man’s purposeful activity in the production of goods or services or the use of physical strength and mental skills in the making of things or providing services. (ex. farming, fishing, carpentry, trading, teaching, nursing, brick making, livestock keeping, etc)
Types of work - Physical work (ex. brick making), mental work (ex. teaching)

Importance of work 
  1. Source of income, 
  2. provides humans with basic needs like food/shelter/clothes, 
  3. prevention of crime, 
  4. advancement in science and technology,
  5.  source of foreign exchange

Family life
Courtship and marriage
Adolescent - A transitional stage of physical and mental human development between puberty and adulthood

Courtship - Before marriage a man and a woman pass through this period

Marriage - Legally bonded relationship between a man and a woman as husband and wife

Three types of marriage  
  1. Traditional, 
  2. religious, 
  3.  civil marriage
To establish a civil marriage - Approval by district commissioner (DC)

To establish a traditional marriage - Use of traditional laws

To establish a religious marriage - Use religious customs

Adoption - A situation where parents keep children lawfully who are not their offspring Family

 Planning - Is the planning of when to have children and how many children to have Polyandry - Two or more husbands at the same time

Monogamy - A marriage involving only one husband or wife

Polygamy - A marriage involving two or more wives or husbands

The concept of family
Nuclear family - Father, mother (wives), children

Importance of family 
  1.  Teaches us good morals & code of conduct, 
  2. gives us identity, teaches us patriotism,
  3.  we learn love and care for one another, 
  4. it is a source of basic education,
  5.  it gives us knowledge about state,
  6.  government and ideologies

Rights and responsibilities of family members

Responsibilities of a father 
  1.  To make decisions as the head of family, 
  2. organize family activities,
  3.  providing security for the family,
  4.  to teach children customs and traditions,
  5.  to maintain family discipline and peace,
  6.  provide requirements to family members (food/clothes/shelter)

Responsibilities of a mother 
  1.  Organizes family activities,
  2.  giving birth and providing parental care, 
  3. taking care of husband and children,
  4.  assist the father in running the family,
  5.  a bridge of love between parents and children

Responsibilities of children 
  1.  To assist with domestic work,
  2.  a bond of love and joy in a family,
  3.  assisting in taking care of younger brothers and sisters

Proper behavior and responsible decision making
Meaning and types of behavior
Behavior - The way one acts towards other people
Types of behavior - Proper, improper

Elements of proper behavior
  •  Love,
  •  peace, 
  • respect,
  •  responsibility, 
  • cooperation
Elements of improper behavior
  •   Aggression, 
  • segregation,
  •  violence, 
  • arrogance,
  •  excessive drunkenness,
  •  irresponsibility, 
  • use of abusive language,
  •  killing, 
  • stealing, 
  • raping, 
  • corruption

Responsible decision making
Responsible Decision Making - A process whereby every member of a society feels responsible to participate in planning, formulation of policies and implementation for development

Road safety education
Importance of road/traffic signs
Road - A prepared surface on which vehicles and pedestrians move from one place to another
Road Safety - A state of being safe from dangers when using a road
Road Traffic Signs - The symbols or marks used to instruct drivers what to do

Importance of road traffic signs
  •   Guide drivers where to go, 
  • warn drivers about corners,
  •  construction zones, people,
  •  minimize road accidents caused by speed,
  •  regulate traffic flow/speed,
  •  ensures safe driving and proper road usage
Examples of road traffic signs 
  • Zebra cross,
  •  slow down, 
  • stop, 
  • give way,
  •  no turn,
  •  no parking

Causes of road accidents
Causes of road accidents 
  •  Excessive driving speed, 
  • drunkenness,
  •  not using a seatbelt, 
  • improper use of traffic lights, 
  • driving by unqualified drivers, 
  • poor road quality, 
  • talking on a mobile phone while driving

Prevention of road accidents

  • Proper use of road traffic signs,
  •  being strict about driving speed, 
  • road maintenance, 
  • law enforcement, 
  • education about road traffic signs

Form 2

Promotion of lifeskills
Social problem solvingtechniques
Steps of problem solving and decision making:
Identify theproblem
Problem Analysis andclarification
Reviewing alternativesolutions
Choosing asolution
Implementing asolution
The purpose of problem solving is to get the best possible solution

Government ofTanzania
Government - Is a group of people within a community or nation who have the power and authority of performing administrative functions like planning, making decisions or implementing policies
Responsibilities of the President - Head of State, Head of Government Affairs, Commander in Chief of Armed Forces, Head of Public Service
Sovereignty - Freedom from foreign influence and domination
External sources of government revenue - Non-payable: Grants from donor countries
Payable: IMF loan, loans from central government/Word Bank, Domestic loans
Importance of taxes in Tanzania - Chief source of government income, used to pay various government employees, helps government to make good decisions, facility wealth redistribution, helps to estimate economic state of the country
List of ministries under the Union Government of Tanzania - Security and Defense, Home Affairs, Finance, Science Technology and Higher Education
Aristocracy/Oligarchy - A type of dictatorship where a few persons form and control the government
Dictatorship - A type of government where a single person or small group of people control all aspects of the country

Unicameral - A type of government with one house of parliament
Public Transport - Shared passenger transportation service which is available for use by the general public Morocco is a constitutional monarchy

Constitution - A body of rules and principles by which a country is governed
According to the constitution the parliament consists of the president and national assembly
One of the features of a typical constitution is that it spells out the composition and functions of thegovernment
One of the advantages of an unwritten constitutionis that it is flexible

Structure of local government in Tanzania -
Village government - Village assembly, village council, committees (finance and economic planning, defense and security, social services and self reliance, VEO
Ward government - Ward development committee, departments of agriculture/education/finance/health/livestock/social welfare, WEO
District local government - District council, district executive officer (DED), district committees, departments, councilors
Urban - Town council, municipal council, city council
Mandatory functions of local governments in Tanzania - Provision of social services, maintenance of law and order, promotion of social and economic welfare and the wellbeing of people, collecting and proper utilization of taxes, making of bylaws, coordination of projects and plans, facilitate representative democracy
Local Governments are important institutions for facilitating participatory democracyThe proper officer in charge of District council is the District Executive Director
The regional commissioneris appointed by the head of state and government

Taxes - Taxes are fees/levies imposed by the government upon its people as a source of government revenue or income
Direct Tax - Is paid by people employed by the government or private sector (income tax)
Indirect Tax - Comes from import and export duties, fees, fines
VAT (Value Added Tax) - Source of government revenues
Major sources of national income in Tanzania - Taxes, rents, fees, tariffs, customs, borrowing, aid, sale of government assets, government activities (ex mining, fishing, industry, oil, agriculture)
Bill - A proposal for a new law
Judiciary - The organ of the government which interprets the law of the country
The parliament should limit and control the powers and actionsof the executive government branch The Parliament of Tanzania is unicameral
The parliament is called legislature because it enacts laws
The three branches of government are - Legislative, judicial, executive
One of the functions of judiciary is to interpret laws

What a United Republic means in Tanzania - It refers to the union between Zanzibar and Tanganyika under Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika and Abeid Amani Karume of Zanzibar in 1964
The union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar was influenced by their desires for security

Union affairs in the centralgovernment
According to the constitution of Tanzania the union matters are - Statistics, higher education, research, defense, currency, constitution and governance, foreign affairs, police, declaration of state emergency, citizenship, migration, international trade and loans, income tax, court of appeals, registration of polities, NECTA
Non union matters - Local government affairs, road maintenance and travel, agriculture/livestock/fishing, trade and small scale industries, prisons

Types of democracy
Democracy - A type of government where the people in power were chosen by the population through elections

Representative democracy - Involves few people who are elected to represent others in decision making discussions, they rule on behalf of others
Parliamentary Democracy - Is a form of governance in which people, through their votes, elect members of the parliament
Participatory Democracy - Is where people directly engage in decision making discussions
Importance of democratic leadership - Promotes freedom of speech/religion/opinion, promotes accountability and transparency, promotes good governance, promotes rule of law, brings equality and justice, guarantee basic human rights, leads to development
Role of the press in enhancing democracy - Allows opposition to have a voice, spreads information, bringing awareness to the people, advise the government, provide information to the people about the actions of the government
Differentiate democratic government from non-democratic government -
Democratic Government
Non-democratic Government

Leaders enter in power through free and fairelections
Freedom of opinion/worship/ speech/association
Existence of rule oflaw
Guarantee of basic humanrights
The leader is a servant of thepeople
Transparency andaccountability
No one is above thelaw
No free and fairelections
No freedom of opinion/worship/ speech/association
Rule of law is notrespected
No guarantee of basic humanrights
The leader is not a servant of the people
No transparency oraccountability
Leaders are above thelaw

Presidential and parliamentary democracy are forms of representative democracyIn a democratic stateall people are equal before the law
Direct democracy is not applied in a big population

Democratic elections
Election - Formal decision making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office
Polling Station - A place where voting takes place
Advice on how to improve democracy - Free and fair elections, multipartism, transparency, accountability, rule of law, good governance, guarantee of basic human rights, political tolerance, integrity, civic competence
Conditions for a free and fair election in a democracy - Free mass media, freedom of speech/expression, multipartism, competition between political parties/candidates, transparency in the election, corruption is limited, no outside influence from foreign governments
Importance of elections in governance - Helps to get leaders, promotes democracy, promotes freedom of people, promotes equality and justice, encourages mass involvement in government activities
Importance of multiparty democracy in Tanzania - To get competent leaders, allow for political competition, promote freedom of people, promote democracy, reduction of corruption
The Union Electoral Commission is chaired by a judge of the court of Appeal The Tanzanian president must be 40 years old or above
The concept of gender
Gender Discrimination - Men or women are treated unfairly based on gender
Gender Gap - The inequality that exists in job accessibility
Gender Equality - Absence of inequality between men and women in all aspects
Gender Equity - Equal treatment of men and women within a society
Gender Mainstreaming - The strategies to achieve the goals of gender equality
Women’s Empowerment - Refers to initiatives taken by the government or organizations to promote the role of women in society
Problems facing our society’s efforts to empower women - Poor government support, cultural beliefs/practices/traditions, inadequate funds, lack of moral support, women do not receive adequate education, misappropriate of money, lack of sustainability in womens empowerment projects, dependency on donors and external financing, sexual abuse
Strategies to promote gender equality - Change bad cultural practices like female genital mutilation/jando/unyago, change men’s perception of women’s roles, encourage women to work, mass education in the society, encourage equality in the family, make and enforce laws which protect women
Women are considered to be among the underprivileged groups in society because - They are seen as being only capable of cooking and raisingchildren

Problems facing the governments’ efforts to empower women - Bad cultural beliefs, lack of education, inadequate funds, poor civic support, corruption, ineffective organized groups, peoples bad attitude towards women
Efforts by the government to empower women in Tanzania - Establishment of NGOs (TGNP, TAMWA, TAWLA), making laws which protect women, involving women in decision making organs of government, promoting women to become involved in economic activities, affirmative action like free marks to become enrolled in the education system, conduction dialogues about women
Causes of early marriage - Poverty, bride price, cultural beliefs or practices, illiteracy, adolescence brings biological and mental changes, threat of AIDS increases demand for younger girls
The effects of inheritance of spouses - Transmission of STDs/HIV, loss of care for children who can become orphans, doesn’t consider the rights of the woman/she is forced, physical beating because of lack of respect, denies widows rights to inherit property
Means of removing the gap between educated and uneducated people - Get rid of selfishness, students do the same work as other students (i.e. farming), be in contact with others (i.e. teaching adults), former students helping those without education to improve their lives
Gender inequality in Africa is perpetuated by early marriage, bride price, and polygamy
Form 3

Promotion of lifeskills
Leadership, teamwork, relationships, self worth andconfidence
The qualities of good leadership - Talking/discussing with people, explaining clearly and persuading people, making constructive suggestions, educated, creativity
Roles of a leader - Planning, decision making, building a team, mobilizing others, encouraging others, supervising others, implementation of strategy, budgeting, coordinating, organizing
Effective Communication - Sender, message, receiver, feedback
Self-worth - Is a feeling of confidence in yourself that you are good and useful
Self confidence - Is achieved when one has focus and determination and knows they can be successful
Factors of good leadership - Communication, motivation, education, teamwork, positive relationships, self worth and confidence

Economic and socialdevelopment
Concept of economicdevelopment
Economic Development - The increase in the standard of living of a nation’s population with sustained growth from a simple low income country to a modern high income country
Education - The process by which a society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another
‘Education is a Debt’ - The student is indebted to the society for the privilege of receiving education and must serve society in return
Liberalism - Socio-economic system in which individual liberties are supreme
Entrepreneur - Someone who possesses a new business or idea and who assumes the risks of its outcome
Bases of development - Leadership through education, democracy in decision making
GNP (Gross National Product) - The total value of all products and services produced in a country

Indicators of economicdevelopment
Literacy Rate - The proportion of the population over the age of fifteen that can read and write
The indicators of development in a given country - Education, infrastructure, technology, industry, better health services, good governance, high employment rates, low infant mortality rates, higher life expectancy, high GDP, high per capita income, access to good diet/food, better social services, high literacy rates
Criteria used to determine if a country is underdeveloped - Poor economy, lack of infrastructural development, poor technology, conflict/war, few people complete education, high mortality rates, high corruption, diseases, poor industry, lack of transparency
Conditions for development - Land, labour, technology, capital, markets

Factors for economicdevelopment

Importance of industry and agriculture to developing countries - Agriculture provides raw materials to industries, industries provide manufactured goods to people (clothes/food), agriculture provides food to the people, both provide employment, both improve living standards of the people
Domestic factors in Tanzania causing our economic crisis - Lack of technology, nepotism, high illiteracy level, corruption, lack of education, selling of industries to foreign nationals, poor government planning and leadership
Problems facing informal sector - Inadequate funds, inadequate training and education, poor government support, poor technology, lack of areas for settlement, unplanned settlement
Ways to improve the informal sector - Provision of education to build skills, access to loans, use of better technology, permanent settlement, good laws and policies
The role of financial institutions indevelopment
Financial Institution - An institution which lends money to people or businesses
NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development) - An economic initiative for development of Africa
Role of financial institutions in the development of Tanzania - Provide loans to people, promote higher living standards of the people, create employment opportunities, provide business education to people, maintains the value of money (ex central bank), establish economic projects and plans, provides financial support to special groups

Role of government indevelopment
Capital Expenditure - Government expenditure of developmentprojects
Nepotism - Favouring of relatives/friends over qualified/educatedpeople
PCB (Prevention of Corruption Bureau) - The Anti corruption bureau in Tanzania
Role of government in regulating national development - Provision of social services, construction of transport/communication systems, making laws and policies, planning overall strategy, promoting new technology, collection and effective utilization of taxes
Role of government in the promotion of economic development in Tanzania - To encourage citizens to get involved in various production activities, to promote domestic and foreign investment, Support citizens economic activities, to provide economic and financial education to citizens, provision of better social services, to invite foreign governments and organizations to support economic and infrastructural projects, ensure effective and sustainable use of natural resources, develop tourism, mining and agricultural sectors
Role of local government in speeding up social, economic and political development of Tanzania - Provision of social services, maintenance of peace and security, making of laws and policies, planning and coordinating projects, collecting and allocating revenue
Effects of corruption towards development in Tanzania - Ineffective provision of social services, leads to selfishness/nepotism/favouritism, doesn’t promote a diversified economy, denies equality and justice, leads to poverty and poor infrastructure
Parastatals - Used to facilitate state centered economy in Tanzania

Role of private sector indevelopment
Advantages of privatization - Increases the amount of capital invested in our economy, increases the efficiency of operation, increase industrial output, increases government revenue, expansion of employment opportunities, improvement of infrastructure
Disadvantages of privatization - Kills local industrial sector, causes unequal distribution of wealth, entrenchment of workers, may lead to the importation of outdated technology, kills markets for local raw materials
Importance of private sectors in Tanzania - Help in the provision of social services (banking/health), provides employment, diversifies the economy, brings money into Tanzania, develops infrastructure, provides goods to citizens

Social development and socialservices
Social Development - Refers to a change in the social structure of a society in terms of its nature, social institutions, social behaviors or social relations
NEMC (National Environmental Management Council) - Government organization responsible for environmental management
Importance of reproductive health - Prevents risks associated with frequent pregnancies, protects from risk of high mortality rate, gives information to take precautions given their health status, avoids need for abortion, avoids drugs/alcohol during pregnancy, reduces spread of STDs or HIV to child, elimination of female circumcision
The purpose of education is to benefit society

Role of government in the provision of socialservices
Role of the government in the provision of social services - Training people (experts), provision of tools and equipment, constructing new transport systems and repairing the old ones, education the public about how best to use social services, good policy making and implementation

Role of private sector in the provision of socialservices
Role of private sector in the provision of social services - Building and running hospitals/schools, providing education, drilling wells to provide clean water sources, building transport and communication systems, providing loans

Successes and challenges facing the provision of socialservices
Challenges facing the provision of social services in Tanzania - Inadequate funds, poor transport/communication system, poor technology, corruption, lack of qualified personnel, bad ethics
Solutions for the problems facing the provision of social services in Tanzania - Use of advanced technology, construction of better communication/transportation system, enforcement of anticorruption laws, better education to develop qualified personnel, good ethics

Indicators ofpoverty
Per Capita Income - Income of an individual in a year
Two levels of poverty -
Poverty at a national level - A situation whereby a country is economically dependent on external assistance to finance its basic needs so that it can survive as a nation
Poverty at an individual level - A situation whereby a person is unable to afford his or her own basic needs like food/clothing/shelter

Causes and effects of poverty inTanzania
Effects of poverty in third world countries like Tanzania - Loss of freedom, lack of education, lack of women’s rights, corrupt governments, violence and conflict, malnutrition and hunger, poor economic output, diseases, poor infrastructure, poor social services, political unrest, weakens national sovereignty
Why so many in Tanzania have fallen into poverty since independence - Corruption, poor economic management, poor transport/communication system, poor infrastructure, poor technology, bad leadership, lack of education and skilled personnel, inadequate funds
Reasons for poverty and backwardness in many sub-Saharan countries - Inadequate funds, poor technology, poor leadership/governance, ineffective utilization of resources, bad cultural practices, colonial legacy, tribal conflict, poor infrastructure, poor transport/communication, weak economy, weak democracy

Strategies for poverty alleviation inTanzania
Strategies to alleviate poverty in rural areas of Tanzania - Effective utilization of resources, use of advanced technology, improving education, construction of infrastructure, improvement of transport/communication systems, empowering women, good leadership, development of economic activities in rural areas, encourage participation of private sectors

Form 4

Aspects ofculture
Crafts - Material culturalproducts
Customs – Refers to the short-lived patterns/systems of behaviour shared by the members of a society that can be directly observed like greetings, dressing style, foods etc
Folk Way - True stories and beliefs used to guide society
Culture - The totality of a peoples way of life as they struggle to live and develop as a society or a nation
Myths - False stories that parents tell their children as oral tradition Intellectual Culture - A non material culture, enjoys books and arts Characteristics of culture - Adoptive, learned, symbolic, dynamic

Purpose of learning culture in school - Culture gives identity as a nation, binds people together, encourages good morals/behavior, crafts provide households with basic items, initiation ceremonies prepare boys/girls for life ahead
Significance of Kiswahili as a national language in Tanzania - Gives national identity, unifies Tanzanians, used as a medium of communication to the people, official language of the parliament and government, gives pride and self confidence to the citizens
Colonial education had the following problems - Segregated women, supported racism, despised traditional beliefs and dances, encouraged individualism over community
Antiquities - Important objects that have existed for a very long time
Tribe - The group of people living in a particular area sharing common customs, traditions and race

Positive and negative aspects of our culturalpractices
Tanzanian traditions/customs which must be eradicated - Women’s genital mutilation, inheritance of widows, gender inequality, early and forced marriages
Bad customs and traditions in our culture which can lead to the spread of HIV/AIDS - Fataki (intergenerational sex), inheritance of widows, female genital mutilation, early marriage, forced marriage, bride price, polygamy
Effects of bad cultural practices in terms of poverty - Leads to the spread of HIV/AIDS, brings segregation/humiliation/oppression, leads to inequality and injustice, denial of social services, denies ownership of property, leads to killings/conflicts

Promotion and preservation of good culturalpractices
Importance of maintaining a culture in a country - Symbol of a nation, promotes peace and security, promotes unity/solidarity/cooperation, source of income (ex Maasai), pride and self worth of citizens, transfer knowledge, skills and abilities to new generations

Culture of preventative care and maintenance of personal and publicproperty
Merits of family planning in Tanzania - It assures availability of resources for children, it ensures reproductive health to the mother, it helps the family engage in economic activities, reduces risks of maternal and child deaths, reduces number of street children, reduces rapid population growth

Using life skills
Using Life Skills - They are used in day to day activities so as to solve various problems that we face. It also helps people related well with others and shapes the behaviour of people so that they will be accepted by the society

Concept ofglobalization
Globalization - The integration of regional economies, societies and cultures throughout the world
Cooperation - Stabilization of the personal relationship between members of the society
Free Market Economy - Is where people are free to engage in any type of economic activity
Purpose of the East African union - Common market, increase agricultural and industrial products, encourage investors to move capital here, common passports, encourage production of commodities on a large scale, Common regulation/standardization boards and laws
Areas of cooperation in East African countries - Trade, investments/industrial development, monetary/fiscal affairs, infrastructure/social services, free movement of people and goods, science/technology, agriculture/food security

Effects ofglobalization
Effects of globalization on Tanzanian culture -
Positive - Respect of human rights and higher living standards, eradication of bad cultural beliefs/practices, integration of all cultural practices in the world, diffusion of good international beliefs like democracy and human rights, expansion of religious institutions
Negative - Erosion of morals in the society, undermining of local languages and Kiswahili, eradication of cultural boundaries
Effects of globalization on the economy of Tanzania -
Positive - Leads to effective utilization of natural resources, easy transportation and production of goods, creating employment opportunities, improves provision of social services
Negative - Decline and underdevelopment of the industrial sector, decline of locally produced technology, influx of outside goods, presence of multinational companies, creates unemployment, causes environmental degradation

Political effects of globalization on Tanzania -
Positive - Integration of Tanzania into global politics, formation of strong political organizations, promotion of the democratization process
Negative - Global political disorder and terrorism, conflicts and chaos within the country
How the establishment of the East African common market benefits Tanzania - It will facilitate economic competition, increase employment opportunities, free movement of goods and people, promote investment, development of industries
Benefits of the World Economic forum on Africa held in Dar es Salaam 2010 for Tanzania - Helps attract foreign investors, develops positive relations with other countries, problems in Tanzania are openly discussed, opens trade barriers, to promote the country’s image
State centered economy - Is an economic system where the government controls the economy
Nationalization - The process of taking an industry or assets into the public ownership of a national government or state
A major impact of SAP (Structural Adjustment Programmes) in African countries was the reduction of thework force
The government of Tanzania decided to privatize public enterprises in order to improve efficiency andproductivity
Factors for land degradation in Tanzania - Improper farming methods, Overgrazing and overstocking, over-cultivation, bushfires, use of harmful chemicals, mining, urbanization
How the problem of land degradation can be solved - Through soil conservation practices, prevention of fires, forest conservation, proper education
Challenges ofglobalization
Negative effects of globalization - Promotes a foreign language, division of people, debilitated local industries/production, moral degradation, encouraging criminal acts/violence, unfair competition between industrialized and poor countries
Positive effects of globalization - Acquire capital through foreign investment, education, new skills/technology, higher quality communications, connection to other humans, emphasis on human rights
NIEO (New International Economic Order) - An organization which wants to adjust the imbalances in the distribution of resources between rich and poor nations
ECOWAS - Is the economic integration of West African States formed in 1975
Objectives of ECOWAS - Set up a customs union with reduction of import duties, enable free movement of people/capital/services, coordinate industrial development, harmonize agricultural policies
Problems facing ECOWAS - West Africa is foreign oriented, less than 10% of trade is within ECOWAS, smuggling makes it difficult to regulate trade, French speaking countries formed Francophone West African States which divided ECOWAS, Economic and military dominance by Nigeria, Political instability in countries like Sierra Leone and Liberia, Different levels of economic development in each country
Structure of the security council of the UN - It has 15 members, 5 are permanent US / France / China / Russia / UK) others are elected by UN General Assembly. Their function is to maintain international peace and security. Any permanent member of the Security Council can veto an action
Problems faced by the Security Council in maintaining peace and order - Too passive in the pursuit of peace, US dominations of UN actions, failure to stop war, development of nuclear weapons continues
MONUC - Is the peace keeping commission in DR Congo

May 1st- Workers Day

June 16th- African Child Day in memory of the Soweto Massacre

1890 - The beginning of British rule in Zanzibar
1898 - Chief Mkwawa was saved
1926 - First legislative council in Tanganyika
1965 - Legal abolition of multiparty system in Tanzania
1965 - The interim constitution introduced a monoparty system
1972 - Local government authorities are established in Tanzania due to the parliamentary act of 1972
1975 - Formation of ECOWAS in West Africa
1980 - CEDAW (Convention for Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women) was formed
1999 - Lusaka Agreement international pact for peace in DR Congo
2000 - Marriage law passed in Tanzania to stop discrimination against women

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