SOIL chemistry - KIVUTIO


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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

SOIL chemistry

     Soil formed through the process of weathering of parent rock. Major portion of soil especially the minerals are formed from the parent rock or parent materials.......
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     Is the amount of soil in term of size of of the soil particles.The relative.......
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                                   Bulk density
Bulk density of a soil is weight of the soil per given volume........
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Porosity ( % pore space )
Porocity is quality of being porous. In the soil, porosity determines storage capacity of the soil.
 It is ........
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               Physical properties of soil

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Soil colloids and Ion Exchange.
    Soil colloids are complex constituent of the soil which determine the physical and chemical prop.......
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Soil reaction.
   Soil reaction can be determined by measure of concentration of H+ and OH- where the soil can be determined.......
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The PH of the soil can be measured or determined by measuring the concentration or amount of H ions present in soil solution.
    This can be m........

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Basic plants nutrion 

For health grow of plants, there must be favourable of several environmental factors, these include sun light......
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Function of primary macronutrients in the plant growth
The are function of macronutrients in plant growth.

                              1) NITROGEN
   Naturally nitrogen occur as a gas in atmosphere, however plants can only absorb it when in form of nitrate........
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