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Monday, March 16, 2020


Bond is anything that holds two or more things together.
chemical bond is a force of Attraction that holds atoms together to form molecules.
       ✓when is the outermost shells are filled the atoms are said to be stable otherwise they               are unstable.
an atom is the smallest particle of an element that has all chemical properties of that element.

Formation of ions
   ✓ Ions are formed when element gaining or losing electron.
   ✓If element gaining electron it is become negative charged ion.
   ✓element does the electron it is become positive charged ion.
   ✓a negative charged ion is called anion
   ✓Positive charged ions is called cation

The ion has charge because the number for electrons do not equal the number of protons in an atom

                    1) electrovalent Bond or ionic bonding
                    2) covalent bonding

Electrovalent bonding or ionic bonding
electrovalent Bond is a chemical bond between two ions with positive charge.
  ✓electrovalent bonding ritual occurs between a metal and a nonmetal
  ✓the metal is loosing electron and a non-metal gaining electron.

Properties of electrovalent compounds

  1. Generally soluble in water
  2. Conduct electricity
  3. Are crystalline solids at room temperature
  4. Have high melting and boiling points
  5. Generally in soluble in non-polar solvent.
Covalent bonding
 Covalent bond involves the sharing of electrons between atoms
covalent bond is a chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more electrons between atoms.
✓covalent bonds usually formed between non-metals.

Properties of covalent compounds
  1. Have low melting and boiling points
  2. They are liquids or gases at room temperature
  3. They do not conduct electricity
  4. They are soluble in non polar solvent
  5. They are insoluble in water

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