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Saturday, April 4, 2020


These are methods of studying chemistry

  a) The modern scientific methods have been very successive in obtaining facts and verifying them.

 b) The methods appear in the following sequence or step. 

     1. Observation and identification of problem
 √ This involves of the use of sense organs e.g. eyes
  √ It involves looking at an event, fact as solution; ask how and why it occurs.

     2. Hypothesis formulation
  √ The chemists use the available information to predict an explanation of the P                   phenomenon.
   √Hypothesis is a tentative answer to the problem. – It is intelligent guess work. – All predictions and guess work must be proved by experiments to be either true Or false.

     3. Experimentation
   √Chemists carry out experiments to test every hypothesis. – The use of control explanation is very important.

     4. Data recording analysis and interpretation
    √This involves collection of data obtained from experimentation.
– The data collected and preserved in essays, table, graph etc.
  √ After presenting the data, read and explain any trend shown by data. Try to show what data means.

   4. Drawing conclusion
    √ It involves accepting or rejecting the hypothesis based on experimentation Results.
    √ If hypothesis is proved false repeat experiment using hypothesis.

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