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Friday, August 2, 2019


Basic plants nutrion 
For health grow of plants, there must be favourable of several environmental factors, these include sun light, radiant heat energy, air, water, and nutrients elements.

   There about sixteen elements or nutrients for normal plants growth and these element must be supplied to a plants in a sufficient quantities and in good proportions. These nutrients or element can be classified into two groups according to their needed by plants.

             1) macro element or nutrients
              2) micro - elements or nutrients

          Macro elements
These are elemnts or nutrients required by plants in large quantities.
These macro element can be classified into two groups which are

 a) primary nutrions
Are these elements that required by plants in relatively large quantities. These 
elements are ;
                      - Nitrogen 
                      - Phosphorous
                      - Potassium.

  b) secondary nutrients.
These are elements which required by in large quantity but as primary nutrients        Seconday nutrients include;
                             - calcium
                             - magnesium
                            - sulphur.

  Micro elements 
Microelement some times reffered as trace elements, which required by plants in small quantity. They however must be present for proper plant growth.

      These elements include;
        Manganes, molybdenum, iron, cobalt, zinc, Boron, copper, and chlorine.

These elements are taken from soil to plants by plants roots, and there is a form in which thes plants taken as shown below;

       Carbon (C)             taken as carbon dioxide (CO2)

       Hydrogen (H)         taken as water (H2O)

       Oxhgen (O).            taken as water (H2O)

       Nitrogen (N).           taken as ammonium (NH4) or Nitrogen (NO3-)

       Phosphorous (P)     taken as H2PO4 or HPO2-

       Potassium (K)        taken as k+

       Calcium (Ca)          taken as Ca2+

       Magnesium (Mg).   taken as Mg2+

       Sulphur (S)               taken as SO4

       Iron (fe).                    taken as Fe2+ or Fe3+

        Manganes (Mn)       take as Mn2+

       Boron (B).                   taken as H2BO3

       Chlorine (Cl)               taken as  Cl-

       Zinc (Zn).                    taken as Zn2+

       Copper (Cu)               taken as Cu2+ 

       Molybdenum (Mo).   taken as MoO2-

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